JICE organized and conducted three training programs for Saudi Japanese Automobile High Institute (SJAHI)* : Management Training Program; Instructor Training Program, both from November 10th to December 13th 2019; and SJAHI Student Overseas Internship Program in Japan from July 20th to August 2nd, 2019.
After taking lectures on business manner, Japanese culture and language, and report writing at the JICE headquarters, 3 participants in Instructor Training Program received on-site training to catch up with the new automobile technologies and latest maintenance technique at Toyota Motor Corporation and Isuzu Motors Limited in addition to learning about the method of school management and teaching method with the participant of the Management Training Program.
Management Training Program joined by 2 management staff from SJAHI is focused on the method of school management, leadership cultivation, test and evaluation system, and establishment of curriculum. It is intended to develop human resources who will contribute to sustainable operation and management of SJAHI. They received training at Nippon Engineering College of Hachioji, Honda Technical College Kanto, Nissan Automobile Technical College Aichi, Toyota Technical College Nagoya, Toyota Technical College Tokyo. In addition to these training, JICE arranged matching site visits to various institutes such as Yomiuri College of Car Mechanic and so on.
In addition to above training, the participants joined “SHOP Seminar” hosted by RIIM ChuSanRen,Inc., a business consultancy firm, to learn about management skills and method such as problem analyses & solving method, evaluating method, communication approach for subordinates and students as well as characteristic of the Japanese companies.
As a wrap-up of the above two programs, JICE held the final reporting & presentation session and a farewell party in the presence of the invited guests involved in both programs. Each of the SJAHI participants gave a presentation about what they learned through the training program and their action plan after they returned to SJAHI.
Both training programs ended with success thanks to the support and cooperation of Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA), each accepting company and school, and all other supporting organizations. The SJAHI participants are expected to play a greater role in the Institute by practicing the knowledge and skills acquired in Japan.
JICE arranged and conducted SJAHI Student Overseas Internship Program in Japan from July 20th to August 2nd, 2019 designed for the 15 selected high-achieving SJAHI students led by two SJAHI staff members. This internship program focused on developing understandings of changes in circumstances surrounding auto industry, enhancing knowledge and skills of advanced automobile maintenance technologies such as Hybrid cars, and studying Japanese customer service. The interns received training at various institutes and dealer shops such as East Mitsubishi Motor Sales Meguro, Nippon Engineering College of Hachioji, Nissan Oppama Factory, Nissan Technical College Yokohama, Toyota Technical College Tokyo, Kanagawa Toyota Fuchinobe Branch, Gunma Automobile University School, Isuzu Fujisawa Factory, Isuzu Plaza, Honda Technical College Kanto, and NT Auto Service Showajima SC. They learned many subjects including EV and hybrid vehicles, customer oriented service spirit required for car dealers, work ethics and 5S and KAIZEN activities through lectures, practical training, and observation.
Participants of this program are expected to take a leading place in workplaces after graduation by taking advantage of their experiences acquired in Japan. Moreover, we hope that they can develop their future performances such as accommodating new-generation cars expected to become popular in Saudi Arabia, developing customer services in higher level by making use of their experiences and knowledge.
With the number of graduates exceeding 3000, SJAHI has become one of the most reputed technical schools in the region. Looking forward, JICE will be committed to the human resources development of Saudi Arabia in support of its Saudization strategy of employment.
* SJAHI was established in September 2002 based on public and private cooperation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Japan (Japanese side: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and JAMA) by the request of the Government of Saudi Arabia. After the cooperation by JICA completed in 2009, JICE was assigned as an implementing organization of Japanese side by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and has organized the training programs in Japan, dispatch of long term experts since the assignment.
Administration and Overseas Project Division
International Training Department